Instructed Courses
Bern University
2024 FallFeminist Geographies
This is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary course designed for master’s students interested in exploring how gender, power, and space are interconnected.
The course begins by examining the body as a site of geographical and feminist inquiry. Students will explore how bodies are regulated, represented, and experienced in different spaces and the implications of these dynamics for broader social and political processes. The course also investigates political ecology from a feminist standpoint. Students will learn about the gendered dimensions of environmental issues, focusing on how ecological crises and policies impact women and marginalized communities differently. This section emphasizes the importance of incorporating feminist perspectives into environmental justice and sustainability efforts. Finally, the course explores digital geographies, analyzing how digital technologies and spaces influence gender relations. Students will examine the opportunities and challenges that digital environments pose for feminist activism, identity, and community building.
In general, the course incorporates decolonial perspectives, challenging traditional Western-centric approaches to geography. Students will engage with scholarship from the Global South, examining how colonial histories and power relations shape contemporary geographical and social landscapes. This component encourages students to rethink and deconstruct dominant narratives and to advocate for more inclusive and equitable geographical practices.
The course is structured as a combination of seminars and lectures, fostering an interactive learning environment where student-instructor engagement is paramount. Throughout the semester, students will apply the concepts and theories learned to their everyday life experiences through various assignments. These assignments are designed to bridge theory and practice, encouraging students to critically analyze and reflect on real-world issues through a feminist geographical lens.
By the end of the course, students will have developed a nuanced understanding of feminist geographies and the skills to apply this knowledge in both academic and practical contexts.
Bern University
2022 Fall - 2024 SpringPolitical Geography
When we mention politics, the images that typically spring to mind are politicians delivering speeches in parliament or in front of cameras, scenes from international summits filled with leaders and their advisors, political campaigns, and streets plastered with banners and posters bearing political slogans. We think of elections, and—if we approach the topic from a more critical standpoint—war, corruption, deceit, and so on. But what does geography have to do with politics? In essence, the answer is everything! This encompasses everything from the physical appearance of politicians (including their gender, physical gestures, and attire) to the locations of international summits, the architectural design of government buildings, the choice of streets for political campaigns and demonstrations, and the targeted geographies for forging new political and economic partnerships or declaring war. Furthermore, if we look beyond Politics with a capital “P”, we see that geography and politics intersect when we consider how states and geopolitical actions materialize through means such as the installation of security cameras on streets, moments of silence observed for national commemorations in schools or stadiums, racial profiling at airports or during traffic stops, and the intentional neglect of industrial zones and neighborhoods. Thus, geographers study the multifaceted nature of politics, examining everything from high-stakes geopolitical tensions to the minutiae of daily life, all through a spatial lens.
This course provides an in-depth introduction to the fascinating interplay between power and space, with a particular focus on the key concepts of political geography: the state and geopolitics. It explores how power influences spatial organization, and vice versa, utilizing a feminist (geo)political framework to shed light on the everyday processes of state formation and geopolitical maneuvering. In essence, this course zeroes in on the ordinary and practical aspects of daily life to demystify the mundane mechanisms of politics. The curriculum is split into two main subsections. The first delves into the concept of the state, starting with an introductory session before moving on to examine the everyday construction of states, state-like entities and practices, and the ambiguous territories of statehood. The second part of the course pivots to geopolitics, offering unique and often overlooked discussions on bodies, daily activities, and practices influenced by gender and race.
Bern University
2022 SpringGeopolitics: Bodies, Borders, and Bomb
In recent years, there has been a discernible shift in geopolitical discourse, driven by critical, feminist, and decolonial perspectives challenging the mainstream focus on global and nation-state scales. These innovative approaches seek to unravel the complex interplay between geopolitical processes and the emergence of nuanced ways of understanding embodied, affective, everyday, and often obscured forms of global, geopolitical, and international structures. The past two decades have witnessed a flourishing body of work within feminist geopolitics, exploring a plethora of themes, engaging in rich conceptual debates, and spanning diverse geographies.
This seminar aims to map the evolution of this sub-discipline within feminist geography, casting a spotlight on its unique takes on geopolitics. Special attention will be devoted to dissecting various feminist theoretical lenses and their applications in deciphering discourses surrounding war, security, peace, subtle manifestations of racism and colonialism, gendered geopolitical structures, and the quotidian construction of states and international hierarchies.
Tailored for graduate students, this seminar fosters a space for engaging discussions intertwining feminist, post-colonial, and critical theories with national, international, and geopolitical narratives. No prior knowledge in geography or feminist theory is required, ensuring an inclusive learning environment for all participants.
TED University
2021 FallSOC405 - Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis
This course introduces theories, and principal qualitative data analysis approaches to students and provides a space for them to practice multiple data collection and analysis steps. In the broadest sense, qualitative data analysis refers to the organization and distilling of raw materials collected during research. Thus, data analysis is one of the most significant parts of qualitative research. Yet, it cannot be considered a distinctive process irrelevant to qualitative research design and data collection phases. Instead, like a spiral form, various stages of qualitative research, such as research design, data collection, and analysis, should always inform and speak to each other. Therefore, this course is designed to present a holistic data analysis approach. Starting with formulating a research question, throughout the semester, students will learn how to conduct a literature review, collect and analyze raw data, and finally write research findings, bringing collected and analyzed data together. In this class, students will be introduced to MaxQDA, a data analysis software, and learn how to use this software for completing complex data analysis and visualization tasks.
TED University
2021 FallSOC325 - Migration and Space
Throughout history, human populations have changed their places temporarily or permanently due to various social and economic reasons, as well as wars, plagues, and extreme weather and climate conditions. When people move from one place to another, they transform both the site of departure and arrival. At the same time, people's ways of life, habits, and identities change to varying degrees according to the new social and physical conditions of migrated spaces. In other words, migration and space have an intertwined relationship, and they constantly shape each other. This course invites students on an intellectual journey to think about migration through the concept of space. The course searches for answers to many questions, such as what is space and why does this concept matter in understanding migration? How do migration processes form and transform here and there simultaneously? How does the operation of power through space cause displacement and forced migration? How do migrant communities, such as displaced people, diasporas, or refugees, develop new identities and social practices in their new settlement spaces, and how do they transform these spaces?
TED University
2021 FallSOC303 - Urban Sociology
Cities are home to all types of human activity, from working to socializing, education to health services, and industrial and technological production. Moreover, cities are home to endless everyday human interactions in workspaces, schools, shopping malls, neighborhoods, airports, and so forth. Even more striking is that the social structure of cities is in a constant mode of change through massive internal and international migration movements. Cities, considering altogether, are critical social laboratories to examine and understand societal transformations, inequalities, and power struggles. This course explores urban areas from within this social laboratory perspective. Starting from the development of cities across time and space, and this course examines fundamental urban theories and approaches, focuses on selected topics from Turkey's urbanization issues.
University of North Carolina - CH
2020-2021 FallGEOG225 Space, Place & Difference
What is space? What is place? Why do these concepts matter in understanding the world around us? This course explores how space and place are crucial notions for understanding a variety of issues, concepts, and phenomenon, such as religion, race, state, gender, geopolitics, and migration. Particularly, this course searches answers to a series of questions, such as what is a sacred space and how it is different from a secular space? How are race and gender socially constructed and how do they operate in everyday spaces? What is the state and where the state is located? How do geopolitics operate in and through unusual spaces, such as bodies and intimate relations?
University of North Carolina - CH
2018 -2019 FallGEOG448 Transnational Muslims
This course traces the geographical production of Muslim subjects through transnational flows, networks and imaginaries. Rather than approaching “Islam” or Muslims as fixed in time and space, the course develops a dynamic perspective on Muslim societies and subjects. The course takes a wide variety of geographical and historical contexts, including the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America. The discussions focus on a series of comparative case studies, such as the Maghrebi population and banlieus in France; mosque debates in Britain and Germany, and the development and transformation of Islamic belief and ideology among African-American Muslims in the US; Indonesian migrant workers and South Asian entrepreneurs in the Middle East; hip-hop and punk music of Palestinians, Turkish-Germans, and US Muslims.
Duke University
2016-2017 Fall and SpringTUR301 Advanced Turkish: History, Politics and Culture
This course, which is instructed in Turkish, aims to improve Turkish speaking skills of the advanced Turkish-language learner students by examining the political and cultural life of the modern Turkey in a historical perspective. Throughout the class, the building blocks of the Turkish politics and culture, such as the 'westernization' discussions in the late Ottoman period, the establishment of the Turkish Republic, modernization reforms and transition to democracy, are discussed by means of documentaries, movies, historical novels and academic studies. The goals of this course include (i) developing speaking, writing and presentation skills in Turkish by participating in classroom discussions and completing an independent research project; and (ii) developing critical analysis skills for understanding historical political and cultural debates and transitions in the Turkish history.
Suleyman Sah University
2014-2015 FallPOL101 Introduction to Political Science*
The main goal of this course is introducing students to major concepts of political science, such as democracy, state and political ideologies. Regimes and government systems with a specific emphasis on separation of powers are also the central issues that this course aims to tackle throughout this semester. Contemplating on different political systems requires a deep thought on what “separation of powers” is and also understanding a veiled trade off between stability and representation. At the end of the semester, the students are expected to compare and contrast the virtues and shortcomings of different political systems.
* This course was designed as a joint teaching course, and I coordinated and instructed this course in collaboration with three other professors at the department.