
Recent/Upcoming Talks and Events

27/30 August 2024 l RGS-IBG Annual International Conference l Paper Presentation 

Embodied Perspectives on State Violence: Perceptions and Reflections of Security Officers Against Kurds in Turkey 

Session: Everyday geographies of discretion: power, politics, and spaces

24/27 June 2024 l The 10th Nordic Geographers Meeting, Copenhagen l Session Co-Organizer 

Feminist Geopolitics: New Areas of Study, Theories and Methodologies

18/11/2023 l Swiss Geography Meeting, Mendrisio l Session Co-Organizer

Human Geography: Bodies, Cultures, Societies

The Potentials and the Challenges of Feminist Political Geography

08/31/2023 l RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London l Paper Presentation

Understanding the State Violence against Kurds in Turkey from the Viewpoints of (Potential) Perpetrators: An Embodied Approach

"The Spaces and Politics of Migration, Borders, and Law" organized by Austin Crane & Malene H. Jacobsen

22/03/2023 l IfL Research Workshop #8:  Leipzig l Workshop Presentation

Studying Impunity

"Spatially related research practice in challenging environments: Authoritarianism, conflicts and war" organized by Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography

20/10/2022 l Rencontres Scientifiques at l The University of Neuchâtel 

Stories, Impunity, Geopolitics: How domestic geopolitical strategies operate through state-led distorted stories and legal abandonment

22/09/2023 l Deutsche Kongress für Geographie, Frankfurt l Paper Presentation

"Geographies of Killing: The dispossession, disconnection, and displacement of Kurdish communities in Turkey’"

"Geographies of killing and letting die" organized by Jan Simon Hutta & Lucas Pohl