
Peer-reviewed journal articles:

Öcal, D.K. (forthcoming). Deciphering the Geographies of Violence through Embodied Research: Methodological Insights of Navigating Security Bureaucracy. Geographica Helvetica

Öcal, D.K. & Gökariksel, B. (2022). Grounding Religious Geopolitics: The Everyday Counter-Geopolitical Practices of Turkish Mosque Communities in Germany. Geoforum.  (Open Access)

Öcal, D. K. (2020). “Like the father’s home:” perceived state of the Turkish-Sunni community in Germany. Political Geography, 78.

Öcal, D.K. (2020). Mosques as Spaces of Everyday Geopolitical Tensions. Geopolitics. 

Öcal, D. K., Gökariksel, B., Aykaç, B. (2024). Embodied Geopolitics: The Discursive Construction of Refugee Men and Masculinities in Turkey. Geopolitics.

Under Review:

Gökarıksel, B., Öcal, D.K., Aykaç, B., Swanson, N., Jabr, S. Refugee Bodies and Agency, Violent Borders: Feminist Geopolitics of Migration, Displacement, and Resettlement (Special Issue Introduction). Geopolitics.

Book chapters:

Öcal, D. K. (2014). The Continuity of Statist Tradition in Islamism: Minorities from National Outlook to the Justice and Development Party. In Türkiye ve Kore’de Siyasi ve Ekonomik Dönüşüm (Ed. Gökhan Karsan & Erhan Atay). İstanbul Üniversitesi Avrasya Enstitüsü Yayınları (8). [originally written in Turkish] 

Öcal, D.K. (2024). "Mosques are life itself there": The Social Lives of Turkish-Sunni Mosques in Germany in Routledge Handbook of Turkey's Diasporas (Eds Dr. Ayca Arkilic and Dr. Banu Senay)

Book reviews:

Öcal, D.K. (2020). [Review of the book Feeling Like a State: Desire, Denial, and the Recasting of Authority, by Davina Cooper]. Geographical Review.

Öcal, D.K. (2021). [Review of the book Anthropocene Geopolitics: Globalization, Security, Sustainability, by Simon Dalby]. Human Geography.

Öcal, D.K. & Şanlı, N. (2024). Review of "Gendered Fortunes: Divination, Precarity, and Affect in Postsecular Turkey" by Zeynep Korkman. Gender, Place, and Culture. 


Öcal, D.K. (2024). "Peki Feminizm Bunun Neresinde?": Siyasi Coğrafyanın Feminist Okumaları. Feminist Tahayyül  [Araştırma Notu - Şubat 2024]

Öcal, D.K. (2024). The Emergence of the "Father State" in Germany:  A Feminist Political Perspective on Turkish-Sunni Mosques. Blogpost for Schweizerische Gesellschaft Mittlerer Osten und Islamische Kulturen.